Preservation Alumni
June 2022 Newsletter |
Happy Summer! Join Preservation Alumni in giving a virtual cheers to the Class of 2022 on their recent graduation! |
Past Events:
Preservation Leadership Awards & Members Only Tour
In May, Preservation Alumni hosted two events: (Virtual) Preservation Leadership Awards in celebration of Erica Avrami and a Members Only Tour at House of the Redeemer on the Upper East Side. Thank you to everyone who joined us at these events!
Thank You and Welcome:
Preservation Alumni Executive Board Transition
Thank you to Julie Rosen, Kate Reggev, and Richard Lowry for serving as President, Vice President, and Secretary respectively over the past two years. We appreciate all you have done to support and advance Preservation Alumni in spite of the pandemic-related challenges.
Executive Board Emerita: (L to R) Julie Rosen (President), Kate Reggev (VP), Richard Lowry (Secretary)
We are thrilled to announce that Emily Kahn will be stepping into the role of President, Bill Morache & Ariane Prache will serve as co-Vice Presidents, Erica Mollon will continue for another term as Treasurer, and Andrea Sforza will act as Secretary. We cannot wait to see all the new Executive Board will accomplish over the next two years!
Current Executive Board: (L to R from top) Emily Kahn (President), Bill Morache (Co-VP), Ariane Prache (Co-VP), Erica Mollon (Treasurer), Andrea Sforza (Secretary)
We are also excited to announce that Preservation Alumni has welcomed two new board members: Sarah Sargent and Christine Hotz! Join us in welcoming them to the board!
Click here for the full list of Preservation Alumni board members. If you are interested in joining the Preservation Alumni board, please email
Career Opportunities
ASSOCIATE, Heritage Consulting Group (New York, NY)
Heritage Consulting Group is seeking an Associate located in the New York City area to manage a wide variety of historic preservation projects. Ideal candidate would have experience in preparing historic tax credit applications and managing rehabilitation projects. Salary: $50,000 – $75,000 commensurate with experience.
Read more here. Qualified candidates should send a letter of interest, resume, and technical writing sample to
DIRECTOR OF HISTORIC PRESERVATION, Historic Deerfield (Massachusetts)
Historic Deerfield is seeking applications for the position of Director of Historic Preservation to conduct research on and oversee the care, repair and restoration of the organization’s 55 structures. Salary range: $55,000 – $75,000 per annum
Read more here. To apply: Send letter of interest, resume, and references to Anne Lanning:
Upcoming Events:
#DismantlePreservation Summer Fun
The Summer Virtual #DismantlePreservation (un)conference hosted a virtual educational opportunity every Tuesday @3pm EST in June. This program will continue in August 2022. Learn more here.
Promoting Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion:
Recommendations from PA’s Anti-Racism/Equity Initiative
The Anti-Racism/Equity Initiative is committed to engaging with DEI issues through discussions, events, and the sharing of information. As a part of this effort and in response to members’ requests that we provide relevant educational resources, check this section each month for recommendations on how to actively engage with current DEI conversations in preservation.
Workers’ Bodies and Plywood Production: The Pathological Power of a Hybrid Material
This article by Janet Ore discusses the social, economic, and racial dynamics in the manufacture of low-cost Douglas Pine plywood, a material that “facilitated the construction of low-cost housing, but its manufacture, use, and disposal damaged both ecosystems and bodies.” Read here. |
She Warned the Grain Elevator Would Disrupt Sacred Black History. They Deleted Her Findings
This article by Seth Freed Wessler explores how a “whistleblower says a plan to build a grain elevator on an old plantation would disrupt important historic sites, including possibly unmarked graves of enslaved people, and that her cultural resource management firm tried to bury her findings.” Read here. |
Public Art x Preservation
Watch (or rewatch) the Preservation League of NYS’ webinar on public art! The webinar shows how “public art initiatives can be used to directly support preservation efforts by drawing attention to historic sites and engaging with their communities in interesting ways. Bringing contemporary artists into historic spaces drives dialogue and helps bring the past into the present. In this webinar, our panelists highlight how public art and preservation can work together, from public monuments to vacant buildings just waiting to be adaptively reused to historic house museums.” Watch here! Also watch last month’s webinar on social justice and preservation of space here!
PA Entertainment:
What else we’re reading, listening to, touring, & attending…